Monday, February 11, 2013


Mark, Wednesday, February 20th, 2013, in your calendars!!This is the air date for The Steve Harvey Show, "The Hottest Husband in America," that Brian and I will appear on!  

****Stay tuned to hear more details on a press/viewing party and silent auction.  The party is to celebrate our appearance on the show, our marriage, and most importantly to donate the proceeds to a ministry close to our hearts! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013


So here we go!  Back in November/December, I came across The Steve Harvey Show.  I watched an episode, then visited the website, and saw a post that they were seeking nominations for the "Hottest Husband In America"!  Immediately I had no hesitations about nominating my Hot and Awesome Husband!  However, I knew that I should run it by him before I submitted any photos, and why I think he is the Hottest Husband.  He was honored that I wanted to do this, so I did, and he is just as humble as ever.  I shared how we met, how much I've seen him grow and change, how awesome he is as a dad and how our kids look to him as their hero, how he enjoys doing fun things and living life to its fullest!  Ok, and keeping, it PG, how he serenades me with his singing and music from the acoustic guitar he has, and the fantastic massages he gives!  Submitted some photos of us and then we waited to hear back from them.  Below are some of the photos that we sent....

Ok, Ok...Ladies, now that you've cooled down, He has a HOTTTTTT physique for sure, but the man that he has become through the years and even more in the last year, is beyond any words that I could even try to express!!  I am proud, oh so proud to call him my husband and the HOTTEST HUSBAND IN AMERICA!

Keep Reading..........


Just before Christmas 2012, I received a phone call from Melinda, a producer from The Steve Harvey Show!  You can only imagine, what was going through my head, I was like...OMG!  WOW!!  What have I gotten us into?!  I proceeded to chat with her and she wanted more information from us about our story and journey.  And of course some more with our kids, fun things that we've done and any recent photos that we wanted to send.

This phone call meant that we were in the semi-final selection of the candidates for the Hottest Husband in America!  She wanted to have all of this information so that she could submit it to her Executive Producers just after the first of the year!

More to come.....


She sent us a questionnaire to fill out and needed some more photos.  It was amazing just how much I more I learned about my husband through answering the questions and talking about them with him!  We sent some more photos of Brian and also some family photos.  She told us she would be in touch soon, because she wanted to be able to submit all of the information to him as a candidate and the Executive producers would decide on the final candidates to appear on the show! 


Not really thinking too much about it for a few weeks, I received and unexpected phone call on 1/28/13, from Melinda, the producer we had been working with, and she said asked, "What is your availability to come to Chicago on next week, 2/4-2/5?" I said, well let me check!  um, like yeah!  Chicago!  We are there!!.....So with some planning with our kids and coverage at work, we were on our way to Chicago!

The producers wanted a video with both of us in it, to see our personalities, and to tell them why I nominated Brian, my amazing husband, as the Hottest Husband in America!!  We thought we would share this one with you all.....

So once they received the video, we were closer to finalizing our trip and to appear on the taping of the show!  

It all happened so fast!  So by Friday, 2/1/13, the semi-finalists of 5 was narrowed to 4 couples to appear on The Steve Harvey Show, "The Hottest Husband in America"!!  We received an itinerary, for our trip!  I had to pick out 2 cocktail style dresses!  I found a red one (Forever21) and a deep purple colored one (Ross).  Both fitted and on one shoulder!  I got approval from the producers so that they could pick one and took several pairs of heels. Brian Finalized his wardrobe choices and before we knew it we were packed and excited about this part of our journey! 

Brian and my father-in-law, Doug, picked me up at work and he dropped us off at the airport just in time to get through security, make it to the gate, and board the plane!  Brian's mom, Carolyn, just about had an M.I. (heart attack) thinking that we weren't going to make in time!!  She is so proud of her son and what we, as a couple, have a accomplished thus far, and didn't want us missing our flight!!  She was relieved and was able to relax once she knew we were there.  :)  We had a connecting flight in Atlanta, and we had no clue what the trains were for and finally figured it out that instead of getting your 1000 calorie burn workout in trying to make it to your gate in time, that you could hop on this train and it would get you there!  Go figure...we laughed the entire time :) Except when there was no restroom to be seen, it's definitely not like the restrooms being at every exit at the North Lake Mall!

 This was the view from the flight at sunset, @ 38,000 feet....

So we land in Chicago...snow on the ground and chilly!!  There was a nice gentleman in a 2013, Lincoln MKS, waiting at the airport in Chicago to take us to our Hotel, Hyatt Chicago on Magnificent Mile!

The view from our hotel room was really could see a lot of the buildings uptown...

Because of our arrival time and the fact that we wanted to appear somewhat rested during the taping the following morning, we decided to walk uptown and grab a quick bite to eat @ Qdoba...I know, I know, swanky right!! There are so many awesome restaurants that we want to try! So we plan to go back during warmer months and explore!

So on the day of the taping, we got up early, hit the gym, then breakfast!  We love working out in the mornings, it clears your head and allows you to be productive the rest of the day.  It even started snowing again and that was cool seeing that from the 16th floor!

This was across the street from our hotel!


So we had a call time of 9:45 for a limo to pick us up and take us to NBC studios.  The other 3 couples were waiting in lobby at the same time. Awkward....we weren't really sure if that's who they were, but it was quite obvious when we saw the limo pull up and valet motioned for us to come out!  We piled in and began introducing ourselves!  Arkansas, Georgia, and Virginia were the other states represented.  

Arrived at NBC studios and was escorted to our green room!  

And inside the green room...


Once, we settled into our room, we were greeted by the producers, and lots of other people.  Man, I was impressed at how many people are behind the scenes working and making sure we know whats going on and where we are suppose to be.  We did a walk through with mic checks, and then we were whisked over to hair and makeup, then wardrobe check.  

And get this: 2 minutes before we went on stage, I had rollers in my hair that were being taken out and Jessie placing the final touches on my hair, Robert putting final touches on my makeup, someone brushing bronzer on my legs....I was like...WHOA!!  Made sure there were no wardrobe malfunctions and the next thing I know, I'm being introduced by my video and sent out on stage to meet Steve and answer his questioned asked to me!

This is my intro video....

In the background they had photos of us and our Amazing kids, Emerald and Zander!  Then Brian is Introduced and before we knew it, we were all finished taping and being escorted back to our green room to change and jump in the SUV that was waiting to take us to the airport!  Yes it was that fast!  I would love to share more details about the show, but you will have to watch it....I don't want to spoil the fun!!  My husband is humble, genuine, amazing, and super HOTTTT!


We had the pleasure of meeting some neat people and had dinner with another couple that appeared on the show too!  Very blessed to have new friends, Kelcie and Tyler....Very similar story to ours and got to know them a little better.  They are the couple from Arkansas!  
On the plane and excited, but seriously, we were like...did this all really happen?!

Landed in Charlotte and was picked up by my mom, Cheryl, who had graciously kept our kids!  It was 60 degrees and no jacket needed!!


We would like to thank our parents for believing in us and being our biggest Cheerleaders!  

This was an amazing experience and honored to have Brian in my life!  We re-evaluated some things this last year and designed some new dreams and goals that we wanted to accomplish together and as a family!  We have already been able to check some things off of our "Life List," as we call it and excited about this new chapter of our life and the journey we are on together!  We have vowed to not take each other for granted and will always value one another.  Life is too short and every second that we have, is precious.  So tell your spouse, loved ones, and friends how much they mean to you....we never know what the future holds.  Until next time, XOXO~Misty